The recession of gingiva is increasingly becoming a more prominent condition in the oral health of many patients and should be treated at its earliest detection.
Video found on youtube by Ioannis Vergoullis
The recession of gingiva, either localized or generalized, may be associated with one or more surfaces, resulting in attachment loss and root exposure, which can lead to clinical problems such as root surface hypersensitivity, root caries, cervical root abrasions, difficult plaque control, and diminished cosmetic appeal and aesthetic concern.
The etiology of the condition is multifactorial and may include plaque-induced inflammation, calculus and restorative iatrogenic factors, trauma from improper oral hygiene practices, tooth malpositions, high frenum attachment, improper periodontal treatment procedures, and uncontrolled orthodontics movements
Progressive gingival recession in the presence of high thermal sensitivity and/or compromised aesthetic appearance should be treated with surgical root coverage in Class I and II defects.
The ultimate goal of root coverage procedures should be complete coverage of the recession defect with a pleasing color and tissue blend between the treated area and adjacent tissues, thereby achieving both biologic and esthetic success. Thus, it is important to select the most predictable and easy-to-perform surgical technique