Gli impianti Neoss si sono dimostrati adatti alla procedura di carico immediato a condizione che venga seguito un rigoroso protocollo clinico:
- selezione del paziente;
- selezione del sito ricevente (qualità e quantità di osso);
- ottenimento di un’ottima stabilità primaria (torque di inserzione non inferiore a 30 Ncm);
- uso di tecniche rigenerative, quando necessario;
- stabilità iniziale non inferiore a 50 ISQ; contatti occlusali leggeri;
- monitoraggio costante mediante la frequenza di risonanza soprattutto nelle prime quattro settimane.
In caso di progressivo e continuo calo di stabilità è necessario eliminare ogni carico occlusale sull’impianto.
dottor Leonardo Vanden Bogaerde
Via Dante, 32 – 20049 Concorezzo MI
1. Aparicio C, Rangert B, Sennerby L. Immediate/early loading of dental implants: a report from the Sociedad Española de Implantes. World Congress Consensus Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, 2002. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2003;5:57-60.
2. Vandamme K, Naert I, Geris L, Sloten JV, Puers R, Duyck J. Histodynamics of bone tissue formation around immediately loaded cylindrical implants in the rabbit. Clin Oral Impl Res 2007;18:471-80.
3. Suzuki JB, Misch CE, Sharawy M, et al. Clinical and histological evaluation of immediate-loaded posterior implants in non-human primate. Implant Dent 2007;16:176-186.
4. Henry P, Rosemberg J. Single-stage surgery for rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible: preliminary results. Pract Period Aesth Dent 1994;6:1-8.
5. Randow K, Ericsson I, Nilner K, Petersson A, Glantz P-O. Immediate functional loading of Brånemark dental implants. A 18-month clinical follow-up study. Clin Oral Impl Res 1999;10:8-15.
6. Ericsson I, Randow K, Nilner K, Petersson A. Immediate functional loading of Brånemark dental implants. A five-year clinical follow-up study. Clin Impl Dent Relat Res 2000;2:70-77.
7. Glauser R, Rèe A, Lundgren AK, Gottlow J, Hämmerle C, Schärer P. Immediate occlusal loading of Brånemark implants applied in various jawbone regions: a prospective, one-year clinical study. Clin Impl Dent Relat Res 2001;4:204-213.
8. Grunder U. Immediate functional loading of immediate implants in edentulous arches: two-year results. Int J Period Rest Dent 2001;21:545-551.
9. Vanden Bogaerde L, Pedretti G, Dellacasa P, Mozzati M, Rangert B. Early function of splinted implants in maxillas and posterior mandibles using Brånemark System® machined-surface implants: an 18-month prospective clinical multicenter study. Clin Oral Impl Relat Res 2003;5:21-28.
10. Glauser R, Portmann M, Ruhstaller P, Gottlow J, Schärer P. Initial implant stability using different implant designs and surgical techniques. A comparative clinical study using insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis. Appl Osseoint Res 2001;1:6-8.
11. Rompen E, DaSilva D, Hockers T, Lundgren AK, Gottlow J, Glauser R, Sennerby L. Influence of implant design on primary fit and stability. A RFA and histological comparison of MK III and MK IV Brånemark implants in the dog mandible. Appl Osseoint Res 2001;1:9-11.
12. Albrektsson T, Johansson C, Lundgren AK, Sul YT, Gottlow J. Experimental studies on oxidized implants. A histomorphometrical and biomechanical analysis. Appl Osseoint Res 2000;1:21-24.
13. Vanden Bogaerde L, Pedretti G, Dellacasa P, Mozzati M, Rangert B, Wendelhag I. Early function of splinted implants in maxillas and posterior mandibles, using Brånemark System® TiUnite™ implants: an 18-month prospective clinical multicenter study. Clin Oral Impl Res 2004;6:121-129.
14. Rocci A, Martignoni M, Gottlow J. Immediate loading of Brånemark System® TiUnite™ and machined surface implants in the posterior mandible: a randomized open-ended clinical trial. Clin Oral Impl Relat Res 2003;5:57-63.
15. Vanden Bogaerde L, Pedretti G, Sennerby L, Meredith N. Immediate/ early function of Neoss implants placed in maxillas and posterior mandibles: an 18-months prospective clinical study. Clin Impl Dent Relat Res; accepted for publication.
16. Meredith N, Alleyne D, Cawley P. Quantitative determination of the stability of the implant-tissue interface using resonance frequency analysis. Clin Oral Impl Res 1996;7:261-267.
17. Meredith N, Book K, Friberg B, Jemt T, Sennerby L. Resonance frequency measurements of implants stability in vivo. A crosssectional and longitudinal study of resonance frequency measurements on implants in the edentulous and partially dentate maxilla. Clin Oral Impl Res 1997;8:226-233.
18. Meredith N, Shagaldi F, Alleyne D, Sennerby L, Cawlay P. The application of resonance frequency measurements to study the stability of titanium implants during healing in the rabbit tibia. Clin Oral Impl Res 1997;8:234-243.
19. Fickl S, Zurh O, Wachtel H, Bolz W, Hurzeler MB. Hard tissue alterations after socket preservation: an experimental study in the beagle dog. Clin Oral Impl Res 2008;19:1111-1118.
20. Vanden Bogaerde L, Rangert B, Wendelhag I. Immediate-early function of Brånemark System® TiUnite™ implants in fresh extraction sockets in maxillae and posterior mandibles: an 18-month prospective clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2005;7(suppl 1):121-130.
21. Engquist B, Arstrad P, Anzen B, Dahlgren S, Engquist E, Feldmann H, Karlsson U, Nord PG, Sahlolm S, Svardstrom P. Simplified method of implant treatment in the edentulous lower jaw: a three-year follow-up report of a controlled prospective study of one-stage versus two-stage surgery and early loading. Clin Impl Dent Relat Res 2005;2:95-104
22. Schropp L, Kostopoulos L, Wenzel A. Bone healing following immediate versus delayed placement of titanium implants into extraction sockets: a prospective clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003;18:189-199.
23. Salata LA, Faria PE, Tavares MG, Meredith N, Sennerby L. Histological evaluation of a bimodal titanium implant surface. A pilot study in the dog mandible. Appl Osseoint Res 2008;6:13-17.
24. Sennerby L, Gottlow J, Engman F, Meredith N. Histological and biomechanical aspects of surface topography and geometry of Neoss implants. A study in rabbits. Appl Osseoint Res 2008;6:18-22.
25. Glauser R, Sennerby L, Meredith N, et al. Resonance frequency analysis of implants subjected to immediate or early functional occlusal loading. Successful vs. failing implants. Clin Oral Impl Res 2004;15:428-434.
26. Sennerby L, Persson LG, Berghlund T, Wennerberg A, Lindhe J. Implant stability during initiation and resolution of experimental peri-implantitis: an experimental study in the dog. Clin Impl Dent Relat Res 2005;3:136-140.
27. Bischof M, Nedir R, Smukler-Moncler S, Bernard JP, Samson J. Implant stability measurement of delayed and immediately loaded implants during healing. A clinical resonance-frequency analysis study with sandblasted-and-etched ITI implants. Clin Oral Impl Res 2004;15:529-539.
28. Ostman PO, Hellman M, Wendelhag I, Sennerby L. Resonance frequency analysis measurements of implants at placement surgery. Int J Prosthodont 2006;19:77-83.
29. Barewal et al. Resonance frequency measurements of implant stability in vivo on implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003;18:641-651.
30. Portmann M, Glauser R. Report of a case receiving full-arch rehabilitation in both jaws using immediate implant loading protocols: a one-year resonance frequency analysis follow-up. Clin Imp Dent Relat Res 2006;1:25-31.