In a country that sees more and more increase the average age of its population, complications in health can be very numerous. Among these, the growing need for repeat prosthetic combined with development of super-resistant bacteria, appears as an emergency to deal with timeliness. There was in fact in recent years a significant increase (with a frequency two times greater) of infections caused by the prosthetic elements, “from the trivial contact lens to dental implants; by screws, nails and plates used in orthopedics to cardiovascular device or urologist, to the materials of plastic surgery. ” This is what was explained by Lorenzo Drago, director of the Department of Microbiology Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute in Milan, at the ‘Milan Biofilm Meeting 2015. Implantables and infection control: a promising future’, the conference organized in the Expo, of particular interest in figures such as orthopedic and dental practitioners, chaired by Drago and Carlo Luca Romano, director of the Center for Surgery of bone and joint infections of the San Donato Hospital Group, has seen developed the delicate issue of the prosthesis.”A prosthesis that become infected is a very serious complication – said Drago – debilitating and disabling for the patient, and in serious cases potentially deadly. Fortunately, the numbers are low, but if a few years ago the infection rates were at around 0.8-1%, now arrive at 2-5%, with peaks of 15-20% in the case of re-operation for replacement of an infected prosthesis “.
The main microorganisms responsible for these infections are “staphylococci, especially aureus and epidermidis, and increasingly also gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A germ at high risk of invulnerability, sometimes to the majority of drugs available “.
“The numbers are increasing above all for the aging population – continued Drago – Suffice it to say that, according to estimates, within 20-30 years at least 70-80% of people sooner or later will need a prosthesis. It should be then given the availability of diagnostic techniques increasingly sophisticated and sensitive, capable of detecting low-grade infections: act less quickly than acute, but also their in time erode the bone and lead to the failure prosthetic take root “.
“Despite the achievements of orthopedic surgery – says Romano, president of the European Society of bone and joint infections – infections currently represent one of the most serious complications and the least known of the intervention of prostheses. (…) This entails a huge cost in social and economic terms. Gravity and difficulty of treatment, bone infections and systems are in fact comparable to tumors. “And ‘therefore necessary to take action “using the latest technology and with better information – emphasizes the expert – many infectious complications may be preventable, or at least diagnosable and treatable before and better. In recent years there has been important progress in this area, many thanks to the Italian and European research: for example, the systems of anti-bacterial coating of implants or new skills for rapid diagnosis of the infection. “
The first rule is “use the prosthetic right in surgery centers certified and innovative – recommended Drago – There are in fact implants coated with antibiotics, or designed to be refractory to bacterial attack. It is also important to act on the prevention of all factors of risk of infection: diabetes, obesity, smoking and other lifestyle predisposing. Of course also it counts the age of the patient: even young people are in danger, but compared to the elderly are more likely to develop infections delayed “.
“Particular attention should be paid to the intestines and mouth, entrance doors of the bacteria that then pass into the bloodstream and affect where they find a point of least resistance, as a prosthesis. Monitor infections in these districts seems therefore a strategy to be promoted at an early stage. “. These words are part of a historic moment in which we often compare with periimplantitis, a disease continues to increase, it must be said, also to increase the use of implant therapy itself.